Advanced Usage

This section contains information about advanced usage and operation of the Discovery service.


Discovery uses Elasticsearch 1.5 to provide search functionality.

Index Aliasing

Discovery application code uses an index alias to refer to the search index indirectly. For example, the timestamped course_discovery_20160101113005 index may be assigned and referred to by the alias catalog. Using an alias prevents index maintenance (e.g., the indexing and index swapping performed by update_index) from affecting service uptime.


Discovery uses Elasticsearch’s function score query to modify (“boost”) the relevance score of documents retrieved by search queries. You can find the service’s boosting config at course_discovery/apps/edx_haystack_extensions/, complete with comments explaining what each part does and how it’s been tuned.

Querying Elasticsearch

In addition to running search queries through the Discovery API, you can make HTTP requests directly to Elasticsearch. This is especially useful if you want to tune how relevance scores are computed. These examples show curl being used from a Discovery shell:

$ curl 'edx.devstack.elasticsearch:9200/_cat/indices?v'
$ curl 'edx.devstack.elasticsearch:9200/catalog/_search?pretty=true' -d '{"explain": true, "query": {YOUR QUERY HERE}}'

The explain parameter tells Elasticsearch to return a detailed breakdown of how relevance scores were calculated. You can get yourself a query to run by intercepting queries made by the application. Add logging to course_discovery/apps/edx_haystack_extensions/ that prints the final value of search_kwargs, then run a search query through the API.


edX manages two “extension” apps located at course_discovery/apps/edx_catalog_extensions and course_discovery/apps/edx_haystack_extensions as part of Discovery. These apps provide edX-specific customizations. They include data migrations, management commands, and search backends specific to edX. We’d like to move these apps to separate repos at some point in the future to avoid confusion. They live here for now until we can determine what other edX-specific components need to be extracted from the general project.

edx_catalog_extensions is disabled by default. edX developers should add course_discovery.apps.edx_catalog_extensions to INSTALLED_APPS in a settings file.


Catalogs are dynamic groups of courses modeled as access-controlled Elasticsearch queries. You can find the Catalog model in course_discovery/apps/catalogs/


A catalog’s viewers property returns the users who are allowed to view the catalog and the courses within it. These per-object permissions are implemented using django-guardian.


You can administer catalogs through the LMS at /api-admin/catalogs. You can also modify catalogs using Discovery’s Django admin at /admin/catalogs/. The admin interface provides a preview button you can use to view the list of courses contained in a catalog, as well as the standard django-guardian admin interface for managing user permissions.


Discovery uses django-waffle to control the release of new features. This allows us to gradually increase traffic to new features and divert traffic quickly if problems are discovered. Please refer to Waffle’s documentation for an overview of the models you may encounter throughout the codebase.


All user-facing strings should be marked for translation. edX runs this application in English, but our open source users may choose to use another language. Marking strings for translation ensures our users have this choice. Refer to edX’s i18n guidelines for more details.

Updating Translated Strings

Like most edX projects, Discovery uses Transifex to translate content. At edX, the translation process is automated. Every week, changes to source code strings are extracted as translations, which are merged back to the repo and pushed to edX’s Transifex resources. Translated strings are also merged back into the repo every week.

Open Source contributors can use make extract_translations to extract source file string changes, make push_translations to push changes to Transifex (assuming credentials are available), and make pull_translations to pull translations from Transifex.


The Discovery service uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication. The LMS currently serves as the OAuth2 provider.

If you’re using devstack, OAuth2 should be configured for you. If you need to configure OAuth2 manually, you need to register a new client with the OAuth2 provider (the LMS) and update Discovery’s Django settings with the newly created credentials.

A new OAuth 2.0 client can be created at http://localhost:18000/admin/oauth2_provider/application/.

  1. Click the Add Application button.

  2. Leave the user field blank.

  3. Specify the name of this service, credentials, as the client name.

  4. Set the URL to the root path of this service: http://localhost:8150/.

  5. Set the Redirect URL to the complete endpoint: http://localhost:18150/complete/edx-oauth2/.

  6. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret values. They will be used later.

  7. Select Confidential as the client type.

  8. Select Authorization code as the authorization grant type.

  9. Click Save.

You can create a new OAuth 2.0 application on the LMS at /admin/oauth2_provider/application/:

  1. Click the Add Application button.

  2. Leave the user field blank.

  3. Specify the name of this service, discovery, as the client name.

  4. Set the URL to the root path of this service: http://localhost:18381.

  5. Set the Redirect URL to the complete endpoint: http://localhost:18381/complete/edx-oauth2/.

  6. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret values. They will be used later.

  7. Select Confidential (Web applications) as the client type.

  8. Select Authorization code as the authorization grant type.

  9. Click Save.

Finally, copy the newly created Client ID value to the SOCIAL_AUTH_EDX_OAUTH2_KEY field and Client Secret to the SOCIAL_AUTH_EDX_OAUTH2_SECRET field in Discovery’s settings (in course_discovery/settings/, if running locally).


“Publisher” is an information management tool meant to support the course authoring, review, and approval workflow. The tool can be used to manage course metadata and is designed for use with the Drupal site that hosts